Individual Therapy
Suzanne and Tania both offer therapeutic support for young people and adults experiencing attachment problems, anxiety, anger, difficulties functioning at work, nightmares and sleep problems, effects of trauma, abuse and neglect and other forms of emotional distress.
Family Therapy
Family Therapy aims to work with family members to identify patterns that might be contributing to difficulties in the health and functioning of the family. Family therapy works from the premise that problems are best addressed by understanding the dynamics of the group and how people relate to one another. We believe this is especially true for children and young people. People find family therapy useful for: behavioural or emotional problems for children and young people; improving adult sibling relationships; managing difficult transitions or difficult experiences together; parenting together as a couple or as separated parents.
Suzanne and Tania deliver a specialist group for women who feel as though their own trauma history is interfering with the way they wish to parent their child. In this group we aim to reduce mothers’ feelings of shame, support them to understand why they act the way they do, find empathy for themselves and their children and learn skills to begin to repair the harm trauma has bought to their parenting and their relationship with their children.
We can offer groups to caregivers wishing to work alongside other carers in a safe space to learn and practise specific skills around engaging with and parenting their children with complex trauma.